History has repeated itself 15 years on as NOW Magazine has once again dubbed Ron Hawkins the city’s Best Songwriter! Ron previously won in 2000. The award this year comes on the heels of his latest lauded release Garden Songs, recorded with The Do Good Assassins. Readers were asked to start voting in June and and had 1,500 nominees across all of the 200+ categories.
Ron Hawkins
You might know Ron Hawkins’s songs from his tenure with hometown heroes Lowest of the Low, or from his prolific career as a solo artist who sways between country soul and smart punk rock. Garden Songs showcases his gentler side, his exceptional, cliché-free lyrics and his resonant, emotive voice, but if you prefer his edgier fare, Ron’s got a rocker coming down the pipe, currently scheduled for release around the beginning of April 2016.
Check out all of the city’s Best: http://bestof.nowtoronto.com/2015/